Spa Party

My best girls and I– the ones that used to stay out late and have too much fun– have {mostly} all turned a healthy leaf. Our conversations that used to revolve around boys and drinking are now focused on health and wellness. We hike, share recipes, and motivate each other to stay healthy.

We decided to put together a wellness day to take care of ourselves. I’m really looking forward to this, as these couple of months are quite hectic. This will be the perfect chance to to unwind and re-focus on my goals.

We’ve already booked our yoga teacher for a private session, who will then give a lesson on juicing. We also plan to get massages and eat a healthy meal. collage spa party

Any other ideas for what we should include?

{images: yoga, juice, massage, food}

Australia Day!

One of my favorite parts of living overseas is getting to celebrate more holidays.  I love exploring cultures through their important traditions. This week is a big week in China– but more on that later. Tonight we were lucky enough to join in an Australia Day dinner at a proper Ozzie restaurant.



Similar to the 4th of July, Australia Day includes meat cooked on barbie {I love how they served it over grilled herbs}. My favorite part of the menu was kangaroo pie.  Rich and yummy, it was was delicious. And, naturally, the meal ended with a traditional lamination.

collage australia day

The restaurant also had an Aussie comedian, which added some entertainment to the evening. Good food, good fun, good cultural experience, good company! xoxo