Update: Motherhood

Why do pregnant women always think they will get tons done during their maternity leave? I’ll be home, they say, I can organize the kitchen, look for a job, find the perfect table for the living room, all while taking care of the baby! No problem!

Ha! At four months, and with tons of help, I barely have to eat somedays (and I don’t even have to cook it!). My little girl is wonderful– happy, playful, alert, a good sleeper at night (naps we are still working on), really a delight. And even when I just do feedings, that’s still at least 6-7 hours of my day right there. Lovely, sweet time, but time none the less. Time I wouldn’t give up for the world, but will have to when I go back to work.

If you want to see how I’ve spent the last four months, here’s a peek.

collage first 4 months


I still have plans to post more regularly. Is that a pipe dream?

A Little Update



I haven’t posted much lately  and I’m sorry for that. I have so many ideas that I want to share– and not the energy to implement them. But here’s the reason behind my radio silence — we are having a baby!

I could not be more excited for this little girl and how she will change our lives. I can’t wait to see her smile, her eyes bright with curiosity, and, of course, throw her some fabulous parties! Right now, though, between moving, setting up our new apartment (including the nursery!), my regular work schedule, and lots of rest and naps on the couch, I’ve been a crappy blogger. Other than the fury of thoughts, emotions, worries, and excitement in my head, the miracle of life is a bit of a snooze fest. {I’m sure that will change as she gets more and more active– and as the birth gets closer. eek!}

I’m not going away, by any means. I still have tons of parties in me! I hope you can be patient with me as I make this life transition.